Kfar Aza is not alone!
Kibbutz Kfar Azza is fighting for its life.
A thriving tight-knit community of 1000 souls has been decimated, brutally, in less than 48 hours. Whole families: brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and children - murdered, kidnapped, brutalized. Their homes turned to ash, their lives to dust.
These people lost their livelihood, their homes and everything they own, but more importantly, they lost numerous loved ones to one of the worst terrorist attacks in history.

​​Those who survived had to barricade themselves for nearly two days, before being rescued under fire, with only their clothes on their bodies.
To mend the bleeding wounds,
​our community needs your help
In these difficult times, it is time to reach out and help our families meet their
​physical and mental needs and rebuild our beloved kibbutz.
It will take time. But with your help, we can bring life back to our beloved Kfar Aza.
or by wire transfer to the kibbutz association's bank account:
Chen HaNegev Association
Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot
Branch 428
Account Number: 046155
for large donations, please email us:
or contact us at:
or by WhatsApp:
Donate here
Thank you for your generosity and for helping us in these dire times!
The Kfar Azza community